TRIZ is like a toolbox to help people solve difficult problems. Imagine that you have a complicated puzzle to solve. TRIZ gives you tools to help you find the right pieces and put them together to solve the puzzle. It's like having a friend who helps you solve difficult problems by giving you ideas and tips.
TRIZ is a theoretical framework on which come to operate tools that should be chosen according to the specificities of the inventive problem to be treated. Among the TRIZ tools, we can cite the nine-screen method which makes it possible to analyze the evolution of the technical object along two axes or the TRIZ Matrix known for its simplicity and efficiency in resolving contradictions. The analysis of contradictions is one of the best known approaches.
Many of the world's most innovative companies use TRIZ. In particular, General Electric, Samsung and Siemens have chosen to deploy TRIZ in order to innovate faster and better. Many also use the ASIT method, derived from the TRIZ.
Solving your technological Contradictions with TRIZ in natural language.
The TRIZ matrix gathers lists of innovative Principles that have already proven their worth.
Browsing this Matrix, you can pick solutions to your current technological problems.
For TRIZ, systems evolve towards ideality. This progression is made by solving problems.
TRIZ Matrix can help solving problems if we translate them in Contradictions ; E.g. if an object must be longer without becoming heavier, this technical challenge can be translated in this Contradictions:
Entering these values in the tool, one can browse the TRIZ Matrix to discover innovation Principles that can solve the said problem.
On TRIZCoach, to make things easier, you can express your technical challenge in natural language.
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